Clinton, Indiana Photographer {our new pets}

We've been talking for a couple of years about raising chickens, and this year we finally started. We started with 12 chicks, and within a couple of weeks we were up to 18 chicks and 6 ducks. I never thought I'd have a box full of chickens living in my living room, but here we are. Most of them have graduated to a bigger box in the garage while we're building the coop and run, but the smallest and newest are still inside where we can keep a better eye on them.

They are the cutest little things and so much fun to watch! When they were still just fluffy little babies, the kids all loved to hold them and they were soft and snuggly.

We worried about how our dog, Floyd, would do with them, but he seems to love them. He'd love them more if they'd stay together like he wants them to - he apparently things he's a chicken herder.

Three of our chicks are Ameraucanas. Their markings looked a little bit like chipmunks when they were still fluffy, so Jonah named one Alvin. He'd say "There's my little Alvin! She's such a good little chicky!"

I'm amazed at how fast the ducks are growing. The bigger ones in this photo are only two or three weeks older that the little ones.

We don't have their coop and run ready just yet, but we let them out in the yard for some fresh air whenever it's warm and dry enough. They love it and I can't wait till they can be outside more!

If you've ever thought about getting ducks, let me warn you - they are gross! They poop everywhere, and have no problem sitting right down in it, so when you pick them up they're all covered in it. Super gross. But they are also super cute and lots of fun! We let them swim in the bathtub every couple of days now until it's warm enough for them to swim in a kiddie pool outside. They are hilarious in the water - they dive, dunk their heads, splash, and have a good old time.

I'm pretty sure I've taken more photos of the chicks and ducks this month that I have of my kids. I was feeling a little guilty about that, but honestly, the kids were probably happy for the break!